Butox® Swish Questions and Answers
What is the drying time for Butox Swish?
There is no specific drying time for Butox Swish and the dry time will be dependable on several factors such as coat conditions (wet, dry, damp, dirty) and weather (sunny, dry, humid, cold).
What is the rain fast information with Butox Swish?
MSD Animal Health has undertaken a field study1 to see how the efficacy of Butox Swish might be affected by rainfall. A group of treated animals were wetted thoroughly with water, twice weekly, over a 4-week period. Midges were then placed in contact with the hair from these animals. Even after 4 weeks of rainfall the midges were still killed, even with as little as 15 seconds exposure to treated hair.
The study confirms that Butox Swish remains effective on animals regularly exposed to rain - not an uncommon event during the UK summer!
What month should Butox Swish be applied?
The best time of year for beginning Butox Swish application is early in the grazing season before fly egg and larvae begin to develop.
What flies does Butox Swish offer protection against?
Control of biting and nuisance flies of cattle, including Haematobia irritans, Hippobosca equina, Stomoxys calcitrans, Musca autumnalis and Musca domestica.
What lice does Butox Swish offer protection against?
Control of biting and sucking lice of cattle, including Damalinia bovis, Haematopinus eurysternus and Linognathus vituli.
Is Butox Swish a repellent?
Butox Swish is not a repellent product.
It works by killing the flies or lice on contact with or ingestion of the product.
How should Butox Swish be applied?
Pour on the product along the backline of the animals, from the head to the tail, at the recommended dose rate.
What applicator should be used to apply Butox Swish?
There is a Butox Swish applicator available for purchasing as a separate item. It is a T Bar applicator with jets to expel the product.
Date of preparation: May 2024
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Butox® Swish, Pour-on Suspension 7.5 mg/ml, contains deltamethrin, POM-VPS
Further information is available from the SPC, datasheet or package leaflet.
Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber.
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone.
Use Medicines Responsibly.
MSD Animal Health UK Limited, Walton Manor, Walton, Milton Keynes, MK7 7AJ, UK
Registered in England & Wales no. 946942
1. Schmahl G, Mehlhorn H, Abdel-Ghaffar F, Al-Rasheid K, Schumacher B, Jatzlau A, Pohle H. Does rain reduce the efficacy of Butox 7.5 pour on (deltamethrin) against biting midges (Culicoides specimens)?. Parasitol Res (2009) 105:1763–1765. 4 September 2009