MSD Animal Health Research Bursary for Veterinary Surgeons
Applications for the 2024 MSD Animal Health Veterinary Surgeon Bursaries will open on the 5th of August. Three bursaries will be awarded to practising veterinary surgeons within Great Britain, consisting of two ruminant and one companion animal. Each bursary is worth up to £4,000 for research into specific disease/subject areas.
A 2021 veterinary Surgeon Research Bursary was awarded to Sarah Moore BVetMed CertAVP(ESM) MRCVS of Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons for her pilot study investigating Oestradiol-17b as a biomarker for uterine health in thoroughbred broodmares.
(Pictured left: Sarah Moore, Vet Surgeon Research Bursary Awardee 2021)
Each project is expected to be completed within one to two years and the proposals are judged by university academics to ensure independent assessment. The companion animal research bursary will be assessed by the University of Nottingham Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine, the ruminant applications will be assessed by the University of Bristol School of Veterinary Science.
Successful applicants are encouraged to present or publish their findings, as a poster or abstract, at a relevant UK veterinary conference.
Project design and application proposal guidelines with the specific disease/subject areas covered by the research bursaries are available below:
The deadline for entries is the 1st of November 2024.
For any veterinary surgeons with further queries please email: