Chronogest® CR 20 mg controlled release vaginal sponge for sheep
Chronogest CR consists of cylindrical white foam sponges impregnated with 20 mg flugestone acetate for use in ewes to induce and synchronise oestrus.
Polyester polyurethane sponge equipped with string
Active ingredients
Flugestone acetate 20 mg
Target species
Ewes & ewe-lambs
Indications for use
Chronogest CR is indicated for use in combination with PMSG (Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin) for the:
- Induction and synchronization of oestrus and ovulation (non cycling ewes during seasonal anoestrus and ewe lambs)
- Synchronization of oestrus and ovulation (cycling ewes and ewe-lambs)
The use of a vaginal applicator designed for ewes or ewe lambs is recommended to correctly insert sponges and to avoid vaginal injuries.
Withdrawal periods
Sheep: milk 0 hours including treatment time, meat 2 days after sponge removal
Metallic polyester/low density polyethylene bags containing 25 sponges
Legal category
Further information is available from the SPC, datasheet or package leaflet.
Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber.
Prescription decisions are for the person issuing the prescription alone.
Use Medicines Responsibly.
Date of preparation: April 2024