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GO Subscription

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GO monthly subscription
for SenseHub® Monitoring

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SenseHub GO is a simple and affordable subscription model for SenseHub Dairy, SenseHub Cow-Calf and Dataflow II monitoring solutions.

Contact us to find out more!

SenseHub enables farmers to access these advanced systems with zero upfront cost and flexibility to change or add to their solution as their needs evolve. With a GO subscription you only need to pay a monthly fee.



  • Supports multiple populations on the farm - cows, heifers and youngstock
  • Supports all available application plans – Starter, Advanced, Premium, Lifetime and Youngstock
  • Allows mixed application plans on the same farm
  • Allows mixed tags on the same farm – monitoring ear tags and monitoring neck tags
  • Includes prioritised service and support
  • Continuous warranty on all hardware and tags for the duration of the subscription
  • Access to MSD AH Insights service
text showing zero upfront costs

Ready. Set. GO!

Bring advanced monitoring to your farm with no up-front costs

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Sensehub GO affordable icon


Get access to the full capabilities of the monitoring solution with no upfront costs, just an affordably-priced monthly payment.

Sensehub GO peace of mind icon

Peace of mind

A no-risk option, giving you access to new features, continuous service and no unexpected costs.

Sensehub GO flexible icon


Provides support for mixed populations, tags and application plans on the farm.

Sensehub GO simple icon


It is easy to order, and the billing statement is simple and easy to understand.

Advanced Monitoring Solution to collect and analyse
critical data for individual animals

SenseHub technology monitors millions of animals worldwide. Our solutions collect and interpret critical data for every tagged individual animal, delivering timely insights for managing reproduction, heaIth, and nutrition. Using our monitoring solutions, producers can increase production efficiency, improve livestock well-being, and improve profit potential.

farmer using GO subscription app on mobile from Sensehub

Monitoring System

illustration representing cows being monitored using monitoring collars

SenseHub monitoring solutions deliver actionable insight, based on heat detection and real-time reproduction and monitoring, for optimal productivity and management. Our monitoring technology is used daily to watch over millions of cows, with installations at tens of thousands of farms worldwide. 

Contact us today to learn more about the GO monthly subscription for SenseHub monitoring

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in animals. For the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in animals, you should consult your veterinarian. The accuracy of the data collected and presented through this product is not intended to match that of medical devices or scientific measurement devices.


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